IFM Advocacy



The Insurance Federation is a constant presence in and around the Capitol scene in St. Paul.  We are constantly engaging with legislators and staff to make sure our positions are known and considered in any pending legislation.



The IFM interacts regularly with the Commissioners and staff at the Minnesota Department of Commerce and the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry.  We are consistently updating them and working with them to address questions and concerns from our membership.



While the IFM staff spends our time meeting with legislators in St. Paul, nothing comes close to the impact that a call or visit from a constituent can have.  We want to build our network of people across Minnesota who care about what our industry looks like.



The IFPAC is a Minnesota Political Committee regulated by the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board and Public Disclosure.  Our PAC is funded by individuals & other PACs and used to support candidates who are supportive of the insurance industry.