Ensuring Industry Recogition
Insurance leaders sometimes ask us, "Why should we support the Insurance Federation of Minnesota?" It's a good question. There's an even better answer. The IFM helps ensure the recognition of Minnesota's local, regional, and national property/casualty insurers on many issues impacting our industry.
For more than 100 years, our organization has successfully researched and communicated various facts and statistics needed to help elevate our state's property/casualty insurance industry. As a result, we have collectively helped create an overall insurance industry in Minnesota that we estimate today:
Employs more than 80,000 people
Pays more than $400 million in premium taxes annually
Protects more than $1 trillion in risks
Our members count on us to help keep our industry growing, competitive, and sound. We do that through effective and appropriate legislative, regulatory, and business advocacy; collaboration; and information sharing on behalf of our members.
We need a strong voice to help protect Minnesota's property casualty insurance industry from whatever risks or issues impact it. Through seasoned staff and leadership, we provide that voice...and it gets results.
Contact us to learn more about the IFM and why insurers value our voice. Become a member today. Can you risk not doing so?